HPS - The company building in Norderstedt near Hamburg

Data Protection

General Privacy Policy (Art. 13, 14 GDPR)

With the publication of this general privacy policy, we are complying with our obligation to provide information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and are informing business partners, customers and interested parties about the use of personal data:

Party responsible:

Hanseatic Power Solutions GmbH

Oststraße 67, 22844 Norderstedt

Telephone: +49 (0) 40 5303479 0


Data Protection Officer:
Rebecca Schimpf
Telephone: +49 (0) 40 5303479 59

Responsible supervisory authority:  
Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein (ULD, Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein)
Holstenstraße 98, 24103 Kiel

Type of data used:
Relevant personal data processed by us:

  • Personal master data (name, address and other contact details)
  • Communication data (telephone, e-mail address)
  • Contract data (product or contractual interest, type of contractual relationship, billing and payment data)

Purpose and legal basis of the processing of personal data:
The purpose of processing personal data is the handling of contractual measures. This comprises all measures relating to an existing or proposed contractual relationship.

Personal data is processed in accordance with Art. 6 Par. 1b GDPR at the request of the person concerned for the fulfilment of a contract or the performance of pre-contractual measures.

We process only that personal data which we obtain in connection with an external enquiry or a contractual relationship directly from our contact persons or a different person (such as a colleague of the contact person).
If necessary, we also process personal data that we permissibly receive from third parties. These may be authorities, public offices or insurance companies, among others.

Recipients of personal data
Data is forwarded within our company to the specialist departments and employees responsible for the fulfilment of the purpose. 
Outside of our company, we forward certain data to banks, external service providers or tax consultants among others within the scope permitted by the GDPR.

Personal data is stored at least for the duration of the business relationship. In most cases, we are bound to comply with statutory retention periods. Provided no other important reasons exist to the contrary, the data will be deleted upon expiry of this maximum storage period.

Rights of the persons concerned
The persons concerned have the right to information about personal data relating to them and also to the correction, deletion or restriction of its processing. Furthermore, they have a right to object to its processing and the right to data portability.

If the persons concerned file an objection, Hanseatic Power Solutions GmbH will no longer process their personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling reasons for doing so, or if processing this data serves to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

The objection must be sent in writing to the above-mentioned address of the party responsible.

Withdrawal of consent
If the persons concerned have given us their documented consent to the processing of personal data, the lawfulness of this processing is given on the basis of their consent. They have the right to withdraw their consent at any time by. Doing so does not affect the lawfulness of consent-based processing carried out up to the point of withdrawal.

Right to appeal
The persons concerned have the right to appeal to the responsible supervisory authority. The supervisory authority responsible for us is the Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein (see above)

Reasons for the provision of data
In the course of our business relationships, we require only that personal data which is necessary for processing legal transactions and contractual measures. If this data is not provided to Hanseatic Power Solutions GmbH, a business relationship may become impossible.

There is no automated decision-making process based on personal data. We do not process this data with the objective of analysing certain personal aspects (profiling). We reserve the right to update the privacy policy where applicable in order to improve data protection and/or to align it with changes in administrative practices or jurisdiction.

Last revised: 23 May 2018

Website Privacy Policy

1. Name and contact details for the party responsible
This privacy policy provides information about the processing of personal data on the corporate website of:

Hanseatic Power Solutions GmbH

Oststraße 67

22844 Norderstedt

Telephone +49 (0) 40 / 530 3479 - 0

Board of Management: Bernd Mähnss
Commercial register: HRB 10533 Kiel District Court
Registered office: Norderstedt
Member of the Chamber of Trade VAT No: DE263665828

Contact details for the Data Protection Officer:
Rebecca Schimpf is our company’s Data Protection Officer. She is available at the above address and on

Telephone +49 (0) 40 5303479-59

The supervisory authority responsible for us is the Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein (ULD, Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein), Holstenstraße 98, 24103 Kiel

2. Scope and purpose of the processing of personal data

2.1 Website access
When the www.hps-power.com website is called up, the Internet browser that the visitor is using automatically sends data to the server of this website and this data is stored in a log file for a limited period of time. The following data is stored without additional entry by the user until it is deleted automatically:
- IP address of the visitor’s device
- Date and time of the access by the user
- Name and URL of the page called up by the visitor
- Website from which the visitor accesses the corporate website (known as the referrer URL)
- Browser and operating system of the visitor’s end device and the name of the access provider used by the visitor.

The processing of this personal data is justified according to the first sentence of Art. 6 Par. 1(f) GDPR. The company has a legitimate interest in the data processing for the purpose of
- Swiftly establishing a connection to the company’s website
- Enabling user-friendly use of the website
- Identifying and guaranteeing the security and stability of the systems
- Facilitating and improving the website administration.

The data is processed exclusively for the purpose of not obtaining findings about the person of the visitor to the website. The connection between your web browser and our web server is secured by means of SSL encryption. 

2.2 Contact form
We do not use any contact forms

2.3 Newsletter
We do not use any newsletters

3. Data forwarding
Personal data is transmitted to third parties if

  • Express consent was granted by the person concerned in accordance with the first sentence of Art. 6 Par. 1(a) GDPR
  • The forwarding of the data is necessary in accordance with the first sentence of Art. 6 Par. 1(f) GDPR to establish, exercise or defend legal claims and there is no reason to assume that the person concerned has a legitimate interest worthy of protection in their data not being forwarded
  • There is a statutory obligation for the data transmission in accordance with the first sentence of Art. 6 Par. 1(c) GDPR and/or
  • This is necessary in accordance with the first sentence of Art. 6 Par. 1(b) GDPR for the fulfilment of a contractual relationship with the person concerned.

In other cases, personal data is not forwarded to third parties.

4. Cookies
No cookies are used on this website.

5. Analytics services for websites, tracking
This website does not use software for tracking or user analysis.

6. Google Maps

This website uses the map software Google Maps from Google Inc. By using this website, you consent to the collection, processing and use of the data that may be collected automatically by Google and its representatives. Terms and conditions of Google Maps.

7. Social network plug-ins (social plug-ins)
No social plug-ins are used on this website.

8. External service providers

This page uses certain fonts from Google for display. Your browser loads these fonts when a page is accessed. In doing so, your IP address including the page (Internet address) that you visited are transferred to one of Google’s servers.
For more information about these Google fonts, see https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq and Google’s privacy policy at https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/

9. Your rights as the person concerned

If your personal data is processed when you visit our website, you as the "person concerned" within the meaning of the GDPR are entitled to the following rights:

9.1 Information
You can also request from us information about whether we process personal data relating to you. This right to information does not exist if the granting of the requested information would violate the obligation to maintain secrecy in accordance with Section 83 Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG), or if the information has to be kept secret for other reasons, especially due to a legitimate prevailing interest of a third party. In deviation from this, there may an obligation to provide information if your interests outweigh the interest in confidentiality, especially when taking imminent damage into consideration. The right to information is further excluded if the data is stored only because it may not be deleted due to statutory retention periods, or exclusively serves for purposes of data backup or data protection monitoring, if the provision of information would require a disproportionately high level of effort and processing for other purposes is excluded by means of appropriate technical and organisational measures. If the right to information is not excluded in your case, and your personal data is processed by us, you can request the following information:

  • Purposes of processing the data
  • Categories of personal data processed by you
  • Recipient or categories of recipients to whom your personal data is disclosed, especially in the case of recipients in third countries
  • If possible, the planned duration for which your personal data is stored or, if this is not possible, the criteria for defining the storage period
  • The existence of a right to correction or deletion or restriction of the processing of the personal data relating to you or a right to object to this processing
  • The existence of a right to complain to a supervisory authority for data protection
  • If the personal data was not collected from you as the person concerned, the information available about the origin of the data
  • Where applicable, if an automated decision-making process exists including profiling and meaningful information about the logic involved as well as the consequences and the intended effects of automated decision-making processes
  • Where applicable, if data is transmitted to recipients in third countries, provided that no decision was taken by the EU Commission regarding the adequacy of the level of protection in accordance with Art. 45 Par. 3 GDPR, information about which appropriate guarantees are provided in accordance with Art. 46 Par. 2 GDPR for protecting personal data.

9.2 Correction and completion
If you determine that we have incorrect personal data relating to you, you can request us to correct this incorrect data immediately. In the case of incomplete personal data relating to you, you can request the completion of this data.

9.3 Deletion
You have a right to deletion ("right to be forgotten"), if the processing of this data is not necessary to exercise the right to freedom of expression, the right to information or to comply with a legal obligation or to perform a task that is within the public interest and if one of the following reasons applies:

  • The personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which is was processed.
  • The justification for the processing was exclusively based on your consent, which you have withdrawn.
  • You have objected to the processing of your personal data which we have made public.
  • You have objected to the processing of the personal data we have not made public and there are no overriding reasons for the processing.
  • Your personal data was processed unlawfully.
  • The deletion of the personal data is necessary for the fulfilment of a statutory obligation to which we are subject.

There is no claim to the deletion of data if the deletion in the event of lawful, non-automated data processing is not possible, or if it is possible only with a disproportionately high effort due to the special type of storage, and your interest in its deletion is only slight. In this case, the personal data will not be deleted but its processing will be restricted.

9.4 Restriction of processing
You can request us to restrict the processing of your personal data if one of the following reasons apply:

  • You dispute the correctness of the personal data. In this case, you can request the restriction for the period that enables us to verify the correctness of the data.
  • The processing of the data is unlawful and instead of deletion, you request the use of your personal data to be restricted.
  • Your personal data will no longer be required by us for the purposes of processing, which you require to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
  • You have made an objection in accordance with Art. 21 Par. 1 GDPR. The restriction of the processing can be requested for as a long as it has not been determined whether legitimate reasons outweigh your reasons.

Restricting the processing of the data means that the personal data is processed only with your consent or to establish, exercise or defend legal claims, or to protect the rights of other natural or legal persons or for reasons of important public interest. We are obligated to inform you before we remove this restriction.

9.5 Data portability
You have a right to data portability provided that the processing is based on your consent (first sentence of Art. 6 Abs. 1(a) or Art. 9 Par. 2 (a) GDPR or on a contract to which you are a Party, and the data is processed by means of automated procedures. In this case, the right to data portability includes the following rights, provided that the rights and freedom of other persons are not affected: You can ask us to provide you with the personal data that you have submitted to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format. You have the right to transmit this data to a different party responsible without any obstacles on our part. If technically feasible, you can request us to transmit your personal data directly to a different party responsible.

9.6 Objection
If the processing is based on the first sentence of Art. 6 Par. 1(e) GDPR (performance of a task in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority) or on the first sentence of Art. 6 Par. 1(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the party responsible or a third party), you have the right to object at any time to the processing of the person data relating to you for reasons arising from your particular situation. This also applies to profiling based on the first sentence of Art. 6 Par. 1(e) or (f) GDPR. After you have exercised your right to object, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate reasons that are worth protecting for the processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
You can object to the processing of the personal data relating to you for purposes of direct advertising at any time. This also applies to profiling that is connected with such direct advertising. After you have exercised this right to object, we will no longer use the relevant personal data for the purpose of direct advertising.
You have the option of notifying us about your objection by telephone, e-mail, fax or by writing to the company address stated at beginning of this privacy policy.

9.7 Withdrawal of consent
You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. You can informally notify us of your withdrawal by telephone, e-mail, telefax or by writing to our postal address. Doing so does not affect the lawfulness of consent-based processing that was carried out up to the point of withdrawal. After we receive your withdrawal, the data processing that is based exclusively on your consent will be discontinued.

9.8 Complaints
If you believe that the processing of personal data relating to you is unlawful, you can make a complaint to the supervisory authority for data protection that is responsible for your place of residence or workplace or for the alleged violation.

10. Status and updating of this privacy policy
This privacy policy has the status of 25th May, 2018. We reserve the right to update the privacy policy in due course in order to improve data protection and/or to align it with changes in administrative practices or jurisdiction.